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Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 8, 2015

Critical Care Medicine at a Glance 3rd Edition

Critical Care Medicine at a Glance is an accessible introduction and revision text for junior clinicians. Fully revised and updated to reflect changes to the content and assessment methods used by medical schools and postgraduate training programmes, this at a Glance provides a user–friendly overview of critical care medicine to encapsulate all that the student needs to know.
This new edition of Critical Care Medicine at a Glance:
Is fully revised and updated to increase coverage of a rapidly expanding area of medicine
Provides a simple and straightforward, yet rapid, introduction to the care of the acutely ill
Features new ′Pearls of Wisdom′, to aid learning and understanding
Includes an appendix of top nutrition tips from the Royal College of Physicians
Provides increased coverage of neurological emergencies, acute and abdominal emergencies, arrhythmias, imaging and fluid management
Critical Care Medicine at a Glance is ideal for medical students, junior doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals expected to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to care for acutely ill patients.

  • English | ISBN: 1118302761| 2014 | 194 pages | PDF | 73.1 Mb | 3rd

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