Salient features chapter review: gives a preliminary overall idea about a chapter can be finished fast mcqs with detailed explanations: gone to the depth covering all the important aspects in detail separate section of recent 2014 entrance examination questions separate section for image based mcqstable of contents: section 1 general microbiology chapter 1.1 history, morphology, growth & nutrition of bacteria chapter 1.2 sterilization and disinfection, hospital waste management, bacteriology of water, milk and air chapter 1.3 culture media and culture methods chapter 1.4 bacterial genetics section 2 immunology chapter 2.1 infection and immunity chapter 2.2 antigen, antibody and antigen antibody reaction, complement chapter 2.3 structure of immune system and immune response chapter 2.4 hypersensitivity reaction chapter 2.5 national immunization schedule, autoimmunity, transplant & cancer immunology and immunodeficiency disorder section 3 systemic bacteriology chapter 3.1 staphylococcus chapter 3.2 streptococcus and pneumococcus chapter 3.3 neisseria chapter 3.4 corynebacterium & bacillus chapter 3.5 clostridium chapter 3.6 mycobacterium chapter 3.7 enterobacteriaceae (e.coli, klebsiella, proteus, shigella, salmonella, yersinia) chapter 3.8 vibrio chapter 3.9 pseudomonas & other non fermenters and haemophilus, bordetella, brucella (hbb) chapter 3.10 spirochaete chapter 3.11 rickettsia, chlamydia and mycoplasma chapter 3.12 miscellaneous bacteria section 4 virology chapter 4.1 general virology chapter 4.2 herpes viruses and other dna viruses chapter 4.3 myxoviruses chapter 4.4 arboviruses, picorna viruses and rabies contentschapter 4.5 hepatitis viruses chapter 4.6 hiv chapter 4.7 miscellaneous viruses section 5 mycology chapter 5 mycology section 6 parasitology chapter 6.1 general parasitology chapter 6.
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