Get the quick answers you need on every aspect of diagnostic radiology and apply them in your day-to-day practice. Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology Essentials serves as a comprehensive review and reference for radiologists in training and in practice by providing practical solutions to diagnostic problems in the radiological recognition and interpretation of a wide range of disease entities. Organized by body region, its innovative, accessible outline format, bullet point style and numerous, high quality, multi-modality images make essential key facts about any given condition easy to find and retrieve. The content follows the same order and is derived from the renowned authoritative reference work Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology.
- Find the answers you need quickly and easily using the synoptic, bullet point format and structure. Every section is organised consistently to include Definition, Clinical Findings, Radiological Findings and Pearls.
- Efficiently review the key radiological features of a broad spectrum of disease entities - all images are linked to the text on the facing page.
- Avoid potential pitfalls in diagnosis by referring to the diagnostic "Pearls" sections in each chapter.
- Differentiate a full range of normal and abnormal findings with more than 3,000 images, including plain film, CT, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine imaging.
- Keep hard-to-remember information and details at your fingertips with an extensive Appendix section including many ‘quick reference’ items that are essential in day-to-day practice (e.g. TNM staging).
- Access the entire text and images online, fully searchable, at Expert Consult.
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